Bio-Energy Healing Therapy
The shifts for you in the early sessions include feeling lighter, more balanced, more aware and more accepting of who you are. Pain usually goes when energy flows. Please note I can only work with what I am given and guided to do. I always ask for miracles – however that part is not up to me.
Energy healing compliments any medical or therapeutic treatment and there are no known contra-indications. However, I will not treat people with pace makers. Also during the course of treatment (i.e the Bio-energy Restore Programme) I recommend not to undergo acupuncture, osteopathy, chiropractic or any form of manipulative massage or other energy treatments.
Things to remember before you arrive:
- Please come wearing comfortable clothing.
- Food should not be consumed immediately before your session, but fasting is not necessary.
- Limit your caffeine intake before and after a treatment.
- Alcohol should NOT be consumed prior, or during the course of a treatment.
- Children must be accompanied by ONE-adult only, throughout a treatment.
- Please turn off your cell phone before you arrive, and remove your smartwatch.
- Client participation is key! Have positive expectations, allow yourself to trust in the process, and come with an open mind.
- You may be tired afterwards, take it easy if you can, and drink lots of water.
- Clients can expect gradual changes to occur for up to 4 weeks after their treatments, as the body gradually absorbs the healing. If additional appointments are required, I prefer to wait until after this time.
House Healing:
- If you or someone in the household has an allergy to smoke, or has a lung condition please advise (alternative options can be used).
- Deactivate or remove smoke alarms prior (or cover them in gladwrap if you don’t know how).
- Nobody should be in the home during the process unless they are part of the ceremony.
- Cellphones and smart watches should be turned off during the House Healing.
- Please be aware that built-in cupboards and wardrobes will be opened as I move through the home.
- Smudging can leave a smokey smell in the home and be absorbed by certain materials. It takes about two to three hours for the smell to completely go away, providing you have your windows open.
- I may recommend you make small adjustments to the placement of an item or a piece of furniture if it aids in the energy flow and wellbeing of the home.
- Have positive expectations, allow yourself to trust in the process, and have an open mind.
Payment Options:
I prefer that there isn’t an exchange of money at the time of your session. Please pay for your treatment(s) prior. If you prefer to pay in cash on the day please let me know, there will be a bowl on the table for you to put this into, please note that I do not carry change or accept cheques.
Direct Credit Details: 02-0600-0118168-067
Account Name: Kylie Fleur Clarke
Reference: “Healing”, include your name, and date of appointment
Where to find me:
6 Severne Street,
(Located @ Julia’s Herbal Health)
Phone Kylie Fleur: 021 035 5776